My Daddy used to sing a song in church - I don't remember all the words, but I remember the chorus. "He's been faithful, faithful and true." This week, we're having VBS every night at our church. I had set my sights on potentially having 40 kids. I figured we would have around 25 and maybe we could encourage the kids to bring friends. The first night, we had 42 kids! We have had great adult volunteers who are excited to be there.I know that some incredible things are going to happen this week in these kids lives! I can't wait until tomorrow's lesson in learning to trust Jesus! I'm so thankful because I know that we couldn't do any of this in our own strength but He is making all things possible! The only way that any of this is possible is because He's been faithful. Faithful and True!
"It's glamorous life, as a pastor's wife", said no one ever. Only Jesus can take the mundane and messy and give us back His GRACE.