It's coming! It's almost here! The 2013 Women of Excellence Conference - hosted by our church. . . Someone at work reminded me this morning that we have a long weekend ahead - and I rejoiced and then panic set in. I had to pat my chest to relax the flutters and take some slow, relaxing breaths to calm myself. It's the last weekend before the conference! So much to do! So many things to check off my list! So many things to remember! And yet, I have a feeling that if none of those things were done (don't worry, they will be!), ladies will still come and we WILL meet with Him just the same! This year's conference theme is Winning the Battle. From the start, I've had a running list of the places that women battle - our mind (usually number 1), our emotions, our marriages, our children, our schedules, our dreams, our futures - and many other areas. What is it that I am battling? What is that pushes me to the place where I know that I am winning? How do I fi...
"It's glamorous life, as a pastor's wife", said no one ever. Only Jesus can take the mundane and messy and give us back His GRACE.