I read this post today and thought "Yes! That's exactly how life is. . ." http://lotsofscotts.blogspot.com/2013/03/from-distance.html I know we are all prone to comparing and looking longingly at things, people, positions and thinking "Man, I want that!" But what we don't see is all the stuff going on behind the scenes. In ministry, we often get to venture into the behind the scenes moments in other people's lives. And most of the time, it isn't pretty. This example of the ship can illuminate several layers of life and expectations. It reminds us to keep in mind the details and the small things that make up the whole - I feel like I kind of live in the details of keeping our ship running, whether it be church, home, kids, whatever. So, maybe I need to pick my head up and enjoy the view a little more. It also serves to keep us grounded when we put others on a pedestal. Either way, what a powerful image to stir some thoughts. Where ...
"It's glamorous life, as a pastor's wife", said no one ever. Only Jesus can take the mundane and messy and give us back His GRACE.