I've had a little heaviness lately - not a bad heaviness, just a contemplative one. Been reading some great blogs that have commented on things that make me go "hmm" - so I thought I'd share some of them. . . - I am a mess. Not like I have a quirky personality or am someone who gets into things, but just a mess. Not everything in my world is tied up neatly with a bow. I don't have it all together in most areas of my life. I've tried to ignore this, but it is what it is. I am a mess. And I have a feeling that you are too. - I am so glad that we have been given permission to fail. Did you know that? We don't HAVE to have it all together. We don't have to be the example of the perfect mom, the perfect wife, the perfect Christian. Not that I want to fail - I want to be the best of all of those things. But I can't (see the first point). And that's ok. - Jesus is my redeemer. In all of those areas where I blow it, He redee...
"It's glamorous life, as a pastor's wife", said no one ever. Only Jesus can take the mundane and messy and give us back His GRACE.