I can't believe my last post was over a year ago! How has it been so long? Why did I stop writing? I could make all kinds of excuses - surgeries, recovery, kids, mobile church, laundry, etc. But, I really think the only answer is. . . I just felt like I had nothing to say. I am an introvert by nature. On the DISC scale, I am an S/C with very little D/I. I will work behind the scenes and not think twice about it. But, I married a high D and as pastors, it is difficult to operate behind the scenes only and lead at the same time. Sometimes I have to be reminded that I do have things to say and share. So, share I must. When I started this blog, I was feeling the effects of working all the time and lacking a creative outlet. When I was given my diagnosis and started the treatment plan, all 'extra' things just went out the window and we focused on surviving and maintaining. It's been 2-1/2 years since the diagnosis, almost 2 years since my mastectomy and almost 2 years...
"It's glamorous life, as a pastor's wife", said no one ever. Only Jesus can take the mundane and messy and give us back His GRACE.