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Showing posts from August, 2013


The Hubs and I were talking yesterday over dinner about how our "small" church has become just what we have hoped. . . a community. See, I take someone's son to school every morning when I take my own. His mom adopted someone else's dog that didn't fit into their home schedule anymore. One lady waits with her son and someone else's two children as they get on the bus so that the other mom can get to work early. One family picks up a young man to bring to church with them every service, while others help those with car situations get rides to places. Dinners are prepared and delivered to families in need. Prayer requests are texted and testimonies are shared the same way. People need people. We need a hand, a shoulder, a hug, an encouraging word. I read this post today and loved the idea of how just having someone present in your life can make such a difference! Lord, help me to be your h...


Ever have an itch you can't scratch? That feeling that there's something missing? I'm feeling that way today. I think it's partly because I'm on the edge of one thing and about to move into something else. School is about to start, so we're getting things ready for that. School supplies, school clothes, schedule changes. And I'm in transition for my job - leaving one position and moving into another. I've got that itchy feeling of standing on the edge, being ready to jump into the new, but not quite sure if it's time, or if I'm ready, or if it's safe. I want to jump. I think I'm ready, but maybe not yet. Not fully satisfied with where I'm at either. What do you do with those days? I read about having a "restless soul" today on the Proverbs 31 devotion (good one to read!) And I never really thought about how restless I am. I know my nature is to stay busy, but my soul has th...