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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. . .

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I wrote a blog. Posts were few and far between at best. I was working 40+ hours a week at a job. There were 3 children at home with various activities and none were driving so taxiing was my side hustle (unpaid, grueling hours). The Hubs was working 50-60 hours a week pioneering a church and starting a side business. So much has changed since the last post, that I contemplated scrapping it all and starting fresh.  Or should I?  

Always a challenge to get all my words out, I hesitate to even write this one. But I will provide a catch-up for history's sake...

Kid #1 is graduated and trying to be a grown-up on his own in a different city.  College courses, which are mostly online because of the big 'C', working almost full time and a girlfriend keep him pretty busy, but not too busy to call his mama every few days.  Especially when the bank account is low. 

Kid #2 is finishing up his last year of high school and living his best life between choir, worship leading for youth and theatre fun.  His part-time job keeps him busy for the remaining few hours he has each week. I'm in denial that he might be leaving the nest this year.

Kid #3 is in full preteen mode with all the fashion and redecorating her room and wanting nothing that her mom suggests.  It's fun. She is a great shopper though and we connect in ways that don't make me want to drink, sometimes. She is actually a treasure!

My full time job ended with the big 'C' and I rode the wave of uncertainty and unemployment until it ended in the exact spot that I have always wished for... full time employment at our church. Funny how scary it can be to land in our dream position.  And what is wrong with me that I have struggled to fit in it?! There is grace for every season and I am growing into this one.  I love The Hubs, love my kids and our family (even though I miss the younger days of having everyone around the table and playing), and I am thankful for our church and the things God is doing there. 

Stick around and you may see me pop up again. Let's see what may come of this little blog?


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