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You were always on my mind

So, I've tried to post several times over the last month, and just couldn't seem to make it happen.  No deep thoughts that I wanted to share. Nothing incredibly interesting going on.  Just life.  The good, the bad and the ugly.  But I've thought about it often. . .
If you noticed the picture change, we had a grand time at Disneyworld this Spring.  We were given an opportunity that we couldn't pass up - a chance to stay for free!  Four days of travel to and from and 4 days there - 3 of which at parks - and we had a great time.  I think that was longest time the 5 of us had spent together, ever.  There were lots of laughs and a birthday celebration for Kid #1. It was the first real family vacation we've taken that didn't involve staying at my parents. 
We survived another baseball season and Kid #2 in the AllStars - thought we were done, but got a call last night that Kid #1 was asked to fill a spot.  So, here we go again!  Good thing we love baseball - and our boys! Kid #3 started preschool this week and has done really well.  We've only had 3 out of the 4 days with mini-meltdowns as we head in, but they end quickly and she enjoys the day.
The Hubs and I celebrated 15 years of marriage last month.  Can't believe it's been that long, 15 years sounds like a LONG time. We had a nice date night that involved the best steaks we've had in a while and a pleasant evening listening to live music and walking - and, there was ice cream.  I sure like that guy!
Took the kids recently and spent a glorious weekend at my parents house - swimming, reading and relaxing.  We had a blast - but missed The Hubs.  There might also have been some home-made sugar cookies involved.
We are riding the wave of ministry, enjoying the highs of God's faithfulness and sharing in the lows of people's burdens.  The resounding message lately is that God is GOOD.  It's amazing how easily we forget that when things get tough. But He never changes! It's amazing how He shows up at the right time, every time.  And His Spirit draws us - do you notice? 


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