April 3rd - that's the day I sat in the doctor's office and listened to her tell me that I had 'Invasive Ductal Carcinoma'. Jimmy and I were just shocked. There's nothing you can ask or say in a moment like that. She explained that this is not an area of specialty for her so she read the report and then recommended a surgeon that she wanted us to meet with - who would be able to explain more. I drove home - we were in separate cars - and cried and prayed and called my parents who were waiting to hear. I stayed home the rest of the day just trying to figure myself out. The peace of God was definitely there, but there were so many unknowns that we had to work through. I called and scheduled an appointment with the surgeon for the following Monday. We celebrated Kid#1's 13th birthday that weekend and it's always good to have a busy family weekend to keep your mind off of things. So thankful for my family through all of this! Monday meeting with the surgeon ...
"It's glamorous life, as a pastor's wife", said no one ever. Only Jesus can take the mundane and messy and give us back His GRACE.