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Life Lately

Well, it's been a while! Sorry for the drought, but there have been a few things going on. Let's see . . . cancer diagnosis, chemo treatments, mastectomy, radiation, Christmas holidays, rest from all that for 5 months while going back to work, then reconstruction surgery. Throw in a few bajillion baseball games, band concerts and various other kid related events, as well as church functions (ALIVE Conference) and that brings us up to speed. It's been a full spring! I am rounding out my days while on short term leave, recovering from reconstructive surgery. It was a little more challenging than I thought it would be, but in some ways it has been better than I expected - purely by the grace of God. I am back to sleeping flat in my bed again, praise Jesus! And can mostly walk upright - just a slight lean from the tightness of my abdomen where they stretched the skin tight to close up where they removed 'blubber'. I am looking forward to being able to join my family in the pool soon. Right now, I feel like a spectator for many things - something I'm not very good at anymore. I'm surprised at how quickly and easily I have settled into the hermit/couch potato status. I'm trying to identify if this is a physical thing only or if I have some other weird issue going on - since I am finding it more difficult to re-engage into the world - as in ministry, cooking, keeping a schedule. . .
   I am truly enjoying days by the pool, napping after kids get off to school and keeping the laundry caught up at all times. Just as each phase of this 'journey' has been a reminder of seasons and how quickly things change, I have to remember that this season of rest (laziness?) will end too. Hopefully, I will be able to walk in discipline to remember my limits, to keep a sabbath day and put everything in the correct perspective/priority order so that peace and trust will rule and not busyness and fret! It will be time to roll up my sleeves  and get my hands dirty again soon enough!


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